Apple and Fontina Grilled Cheese

applefontinagrilled cheesemustardspinach

Dawn Perry
8 Servings



Spread 8 slices of bread with mustard; top with half of cheese, then spinach, and apple slices. Season with salt and pepper and top with remaining cheese and bread; butter tops.

Heat a large skillet over medium. Working in 2 batches, cook sandwiches, butter side down, pressing firmly, until underside is toasted , about 2 minutes.

Butter tops, turn, and cook until second side is toasted and cheese is melted, about 2 minutes. Transfer sandwiches to a wire rack and let cool slightly (this will keep the cheese from squeezing out when you slice them). Cut each sandwich in half on a diagonal.

Do ahead: Grilled cheese can be cooked 2 hours ahead. Store uncovered at room temperature. Reheat in a 350° oven.