Food Processor Pizza Dough

pizzaitalian americanbreadfood processor

Katherine Sacks
Makes about 1 pound of dough



Pulse yeast, salt, and 1 2/3 cups flour in a food processor until combined. With the motor running, add 3/4 cup 100°F–110°F water and process until a ball forms, about 30 seconds.

Turn dough out onto a lightly floured work surface; it should look slightly shaggy and stick to the counter (if dough is too dry, add more warm water by the teaspoonful until tacky). Knead until dough becomes smooth and elastic, about 5 minutes. Divide into 2 balls (each will make a 12–14" pizza).

Transfer balls to separate large resealable containers or bags. Chill at least overnight and up to 2 days.

Dough can be made 3 months ahead; tightly wrap balls in plastic and freeze.