Fresh Ginger Masala Chai

teaindiansouth asiandrinkgingernon-alcoholiccardamommilk/cream

Leena Trivedi-Grenier
Serves 4



Combine ginger, cardamom pods and seeds, peppercorns and 3 cups water in a 5-quart pot. Bring mixture to a rolling boil over high heat. Add the tea and boil 4–5 minutes, until the water is dark brown.

Add the milk and return to a strong boil until it threatens to boil over, about 4 minutes. (Not all plant based milk will rise when it boils. If yours doesn’t, let boil for 30 seconds before continuing with the recipe and lowering the heat.) Place a wooden spoon across the pot to avoid bubbling over. Reduce heat to low, then, when foam has settled, return to medium high heat. Continue to boil for a total of 10 minutes from the time that milk was added, until the liquid has reduced by ⅓ and has a deep tan color. If the foam continues to rise, lower heat slightly.

Remove from heat. Using a strainer, strain tea into 4 teacups. (For a frothy chai, pour the chai from one cup to another a few times until bubbles form.) Add about 1 tsp. sugar (or more to taste) per cup, and serve immediately.