Herby Napa Cabbage Salad with Lime

saladnapa cabbagecabbagecilantrodilllimevinegarparty

Amiel Stanek
10 servings



Quarter cabbage lengthwise, then slice each quarter crosswise into 1" pieces (you should have about 10 cups). Transfer to a large bowl. Trim off bottom 3" of cilantro and pluck out any bad-looking stems; transfer to bowl with cabbage. Pick tender sprigs from dill and add to bowl; discard tough stems. (You should end up with about 3 cups picked herbs total.) Toss cabbage, cilantro, and dill to combine.

Finely grate lime zest into a liquid measuring cup. Halve limes and squeeze juice over, then add vinegar; season with salt and pepper.

Toss salad with lime-vinegar mixture, then add oil and toss again. Season with salt, if needed, and serve immediately.