No-Cook Peach Mousse

dessertbasicallybourbongelatinpeachjamlemon juicemintcreammousse

Claire Saffitz
6 servings



Pour ¼ cup bourbon into a small saucepan and sprinkle 1 packet gelatin over. Let soak to soften gelatin, about 10 minutes. → Wait, what is gelatin, anyways?

Meanwhile, score skins of 1 lb. peaches with a sharp knife in a large “X” pattern on pointy (non-stem) end and place in a colander in sink. (If you’re using frozen peaches, skip this and proceed with step 5.)

Heat a kettle (or saucepan) full of water until water boils, then pour over peaches to loosen skin. Rinse peaches in cold water.

Slip blade of a paring knife underneath loosened cross-hatched peach skin and peel back to remove. If peels are stubbornly stuck, use a vegetable peeler. Cut peaches into wedges; discard pits.

Blend peach flesh, ⅔ cup jam, ¼ cup mint leaves, and 2 Tbsp. lemon juice in a blender on highest speed until smooth. Leave blender jar on the base because you’re about to come back to it.

Gently heat saucepan with gelatin mixture over low, swirling, just until granules dissolve and mixture is translucent. Don’t blast the heat because this can destroy the setting power of the gelatin and it might ignite the bourbon! Keep it low.

Stream gelatin mixture into blender with the motor on low speed.

Transfer peach mixture to a large bowl and chill in freezer, stirring with a spatula every 5 minutes, until mixture is thick enough that you can see the bottom of bowl as you stir (be sure to scrape against sides and bottom of bowl with spatula where mixture has become more solid), 15–20 minutes total. As it cools, gelatin will start to set and mixture will thicken.

While peach mixture hangs out in freezer, whip 1½ cups cream and a pinch of salt in another large bowl with a whisk. You can do this in a mixer, but in a large bowl starting with cold cream, it should only take a few minutes by hand. Work in a vigorous figure-eight pattern, switching hands if needed, until cream firmly holds marks of whisk and gently slumps into a soft, cloud-like peak as it falls off whisk. Chill cream as you wait for peach mixture to thicken. → Want to make perfect whipped cream every time? We got you.

When peach mixture is ready, place it next to bowl of whipped cream on your work surface. Whisk about one-third of cream into peach mixture until incorporated.

Scrape peachy cream back into bowl with plain cream. Using spatula, fold it all together until barely any streaks remain. At this point you want to work fairly quickly so cream doesn’t deflate and mousse stays nice and light.

Spoon mixture into serving glasses, cover loosely with plastic wrap, and chill until gelatin is completely set, at least 4 hours.

About 15 minutes before serving, slice 2 peaches into thin wedges and toss in a medium bowl with remaining ¼ cup jam and 1 Tbsp. lemon juice.

Spoon peach wedges and their jammy juices over set mousse and garnish with mint sprig.

Do Ahead: Mousse can be made 2 days ahead. Keep covered and chill.