Anything Goes Donabe

carrotclammirinnapa cabbagenoodlered snappergreen onion scallionshrimpsoy saucetofuchickenhealthyish

Tadashi Ono & Harris Salat
4 Servings



Place noodles in a large bowl and add cold water to cover; let soak 15 minutes. Drain.

Meanwhile, combine dashi, mirin, and soy sauce in a medium bowl.

Place thinly sliced scallions in a small bowl and add cold water to cover. Soak until they begin to curl, 8–10 minutes. Drain; squeeze to remove excess water.

Lay cabbage in a large donabe or Dutch oven. Arrange clams, shrimp, snapper, chicken, tofu, mushrooms, carrot, 2" scallion pieces, and noodles on top; add dashi mixture.

Cover donabe and heat over medium-high until liquid is just simmering. Uncover, reduce heat to low, and gently simmer until clams open and chicken and fish are cooked through, 5–8 minutes.

Serve topped with drained scallions.