Blue Cheese and Bacon Lettuce Boats

baconbasicsappetizeryogurtgarliclemonhoneyblue cheeselettucechive

Claire Saffitz
4 servings



Real Talk: You can use any kind of lettuce that’s able to hold some weight and can be cut to be handheld, like butter or iceberg—even kale or chard if that’s what you have on hand. Also: Thick-cut bacon is particularly awesome here; just make sure it gets extra-crispy before serving.

Cook bacon in a medium saucepan over medium-low heat, turning often, until brown and crisp and fat is rendered, 8–10 minutes. Transfer to paper towels and let cool (reserve rendered fat for another use, or discard, though that’d be sad). Chop bacon and set aside.

Using a fork, mix yogurt, garlic, lemon juice, honey, and half of blue cheese in a medium bowl, mashing away to break up cheese. Season with salt and pepper. Spoon 1–2 tsp. yogurt mixture into centers of lettuce leaves, then top with evenly with bacon and remaining cheese. Season with salt and pepper. Transfer lettuce leaves to a fancy serving platter you thought you’d never use and top with chives. Squeeze lemon wedges over and serve.