Blueberry-Nectarine Lattice Pie

blueberrypiedessertsummernectarinevegetariansoy freetree nut free

Genevieve Ko
Makes one 9-inch pie



If the dough has been chilled for longer than 2 hours, let stand for 10 minutes before rolling.

Lightly flour a large sheet of parchment paper. Unwrap the larger disk of dough, place in the center of the paper, and cover with its plastic wrap. Roll into a 12-inch round, occasionally lifting and replacing the plastic wrap. Flip it over and peel off the parchment, then lift the dough with the plastic wrap and flip it into a 9-inch pie plate, gently pressing it into the bottom and up the sides. Discard the plastic. Refrigerate until ready to fill.

Unwrap the remaining disk of dough and repeat the rolling, using the same parchment and rolling it into an 11-inch round. If the dough has softened, slide it on the parchment onto a half sheet pan and refrigerate until firm. Then, using a fluted or straight-edged pizza wheel or a sharp knife, cut the dough into 1½-inch-wide strips. Slide onto a pan and refrigerate.

Stir the sugar, cornstarch, coriander, and salt in a large bowl. Add the blueberries, nectarines, and grapefruit juice. Gently toss until evenly mixed. Let stand while the oven preheats.

Position a rack on the lowest rung of the oven and preheat to 450°F. Line a half sheet pan with foil. Place the pie plate on the pan.

Stir the filling again and spread it in the pie plate. Brush water on the edges of the bottom dough. Arrange half of the dough strips on top in parallel lines, spacing them 1 inch apart. Fold back the strips at the center of the pie. Place a dough strip perpendicular to the other strips across the center of the pie. Unfold alternating strips over the perpendicular strip. Set down another perpendicular strip 1 inch apart from the first and unfold the remaining strips over it. Repeat the folding, placing, and unfolding to create a lattice top. Or simply place half the strips on the pie, spacing them an inch apart, and place the remaining strips perpendicular to them, spacing them an inch apart.

Use a pair of kitchen shears to trim the strips and bottom edge to a ¾-inch overhang. Fold the overhang under and decoratively crimp the edges with a fork or fingers. If the dough has softened, pop the whole pie into the freezer until the dough is firm again, about 10 minutes. If you’d like a sparkly top, brush the lattice with water and sprinkle with sugar.

Bake the pie for 30 minutes. Reduce the oven temperature to 350°F and bake until the crust is golden brown and the filling is bubbling, 30 to 40 minutes more. If the crust starts to get too brown, tent loosely with foil.

Cool on the pan on a wire rack until warm. Carefully lift the pie plate off the foil and let stand on the rack until the filling is set, at least 6 hours

Make-ahead: The pie will keep overnight at room temperature. In fact, it cuts more cleanly and tastes better the next day, after the filling has had time to really set. Leftovers will keep in the refrigerator for up to 2 days.