Carrot, lentil & orange soup

200 kcal or less30-60 minutes4 servingscarrotcarrotscoriandercoriander seedcoriander seedscumincumin seedcumin seedslow-fat yogurtmainsnatural yogurtoniononionsorange juicepaprikavegetable stockveggiewinter




Crush the seeds in a pestle and mortar, then dry-fry for 2 mins in a large pan until lightly browned. Add the onion, carrots, lentils, orange juice, stock and seasoning, then bring to the boil. Cover and simmer for 30 mins until the lentils are soft.

Transfer to a food processor in batches and process until smooth. Return to the pan, then gently reheat, stirring occasionally. Adjust seasoning to taste. Ladle into individual serving bowls, swirl the yogurt over and sprinkle with the chopped coriander leaves and paprika. Serve immediately.