Chargrilled artichokes with lemon

artichokes in lemonglobe artichokeglobe artichokesgrilled veggieslemonlemonsmake aheadolive oilpeppercornpeppercornssea saltsummer vegetablesveggie nibblesveggie starterswhite wine vinegar

Makes enough to fill 2 x 500ml jars



First set a bowl of cold water to the side, and squeeze in the juice of one of the lemons. To prepare the artichokes, remove the outer leaves with a small sharp knife. Keep going through the layers until you reach the paler, greenish-yellow leaves. Trim the stalks to about 5cm, then cut the heads into quarters. As you prepare each one, rub all of its cut sides with one of the squeezed lemon halves, then place in the bowl of lemony water.

Remove long strips of zest from the other lemon. In a large saucepan, bring a few inches of water to the boil. Add 100ml of the vinegar and the artichokes, and simmer for 15-18 mins, depending on the size of the artichokes, until tender. Drain and tip into a bowl, toss with 2 tbsp oil, and a generous seasoning of salt and pepper.

Heat a griddle pan over a medium heat until hot. Griddle the artichoke quarters, a few at a time, until golden and charred at the edges.

In another saucepan, warm the olive oil, lemon zest and peppercorns together until the zest starts to sizzle. Fish it out with a slotted spoon once it turns bright yellow. Warm the remaining vinegar in another pan until almost boiling.

Pack the artichokes and lemon zest into jars or heatproof containers, pour over the warmed vinegar first, then top up with the warm oil to cover. Seal while warm, then allow to cool. Keep in the fridge for up to 1 week.