Citrus Crumble with Coconut and Nuts

crumblehealthyishcoconut oilpistachioalmondpepitacoconutfruitorangegrapefruit

Chris Morocco
4 servings



Preheat oven to 275°. Whisk coconut sugar and 1 Tbsp. water in a small bowl until sugar is dissolved (this might take a couple minutes). Set aside 1 Tbsp. coconut syrup.

Add coconut oil and salt to remaining syrup and stir to combine. Toss pistachios, almonds, pepitas, and coconut oil mixture on a parchment- or silpat-lined rimmed baking sheet. Fold in coconut flakes.

Bake crumble, stirring occasionally, until golden brown, 22–28 minutes. Let cool.

Remove peel and pith from citrus and slice into rounds. Drizzle with reserved 1 Tbsp. coconut syrup, then top with crumble.

Do Ahead: Crumble can be made 2 weeks ahead; store in an airtight container at room temperature.