Filipino Chicken Adobo

bay leafchickenchilegarlicgingerpalm sugarricerice vinegargreen onion scallionsoy sauce

Amelia Rampe
4 Servings



Place chicken, garlic, chiles, ginger, vinegar, soy sauce, peppercorns, palm sugar, and bay leaves in a large reasalable plastic bag or 13x9" baking dish; toss to combine. Chill, turning chicken once, at least 2 hours and up to 2 days.

Heat oil in a medium heavy saucepan over medium. Add chicken, reserving marinade, and cook, turning occasionally and adjusting heat to medium-low if needed, until skin starts to brown and caramelize, 6–8 minutes. Add marinade and ½ cup water; bring to a simmer. Cover saucepan and cook 35 minutes. Uncover, turn chicken, and continue to simmer, turning chicken occasionally and adjusting heat if needed, until meat is very tender and liquid is reduced and starting to glaze, about 25 minutes.

Serve chicken over rice. Spoon sauce over, then top with scallions.