Grilling Procedure





    If using a charcoal grill, open vents on bottom of grill, then light charcoal. When charcoal turns grayish white (about 15 minutes after lighting), hold your hand 5 inches above grill rack to determine heat for charcoal as follows:

    Hot: when you can hold your hand there for 1 to 2 seconds

    Medium-hot: 3 to 4 seconds

    Low: 5 to 6 seconds

    If using a gas grill, preheat burners on high, covered, 10 minutes, then, if necessary, reduce to heat specified in recipe.

    If using a charcoal grill, open vents on bottom and lid of grill. Light a large chimney starter full of charcoal (preferably hardwood). When coals are lit, dump them out across bottom rack, leaving free of coals a space slightly larger than the size of the item to be grilled, and banking coals across the remaining space so that coals are about 3 times higher against side of grill (you may have to add additional unlit charcoal). See Direct-Heat Grilling Instructions, above, to determine heat. If using a gas grill, preheat all burners on high, covered, 10 minutes, then adjust heat according to recipe. Just before grilling, turn off 1 burner (middle burner if there are 3).