Ham and Cheese Toasties in a Bread Basket


Claire Saffitz
4 servings



Real Talk: As long as your loaf is sturdy enough, you could make your perpendicular cuts at the bottom all the way to the other end, instead of stopping at the midway point. We suggest stopping midway to prevent any leakage and to keep the crust as sturdy as possible, but do what you’re most comfortable with. Slice with confidence—all that bread will come out in the end!

Heat broiler. Okay, now you’re going to cut out the interior of the bread and remove it as one big rectangle of carby goodness without messing up the outside crust. It helps to check the step-by-step photos for this, but trust us, it’s easier than you think!

Using a bread knife, cut horizontally along top of loaf just below where it starts to dome (if your loaf has a flat top, cut across to remove any crust); set top aside and position bread so cut side is facing up (in other words, you’re looking down at the surface of the exposed inner loaf). Working around perimeter of loaf, cut down parallel to sides and about ¼" from edge; try not to cut all the way through or your toasties will fall through the bottom (sad!).

Once you’ve gone all the way around, switch to a knife with a pointed tip (either a slicer or a chef’s knife). Insert blade perpendicularly into longer side of loaf about ¼" in from side and ¼" from bottom, but do not push through to crust on opposite side. Slice through bread, cutting parallel to work surface, until you get to the middle of the loaf, then stop. Rotate bread 180° and repeat on opposite side, only cutting to midpoint again. You should be able to lift out the rectangle of bread at this point (if not, retrace all cuts until bread comes loose).

Cut rectangle of bread filling into ¼"-thick slices. Brush 1 side of slices with melted butter. Transfer buttered side up to a rimmed baking sheet. Broil slices until golden brown and toasted, about 2 minutes; let cool.

Preheat oven to 400°. Smear untoasted side of half (not all!) of bread slices with mustard, then top with ham and cheese, dividing evenly. Close with remaining bread, toasted side up. Cut each sandwich in half on a diagonal, then tuck sandwiches back into hollowed-out loaf, lining them upright and packing in tightly (you may have an extra sandwich that doesn’t fit, so go ahead and eat it). The tops of the sandwiches should be flush with the top of the loaf...amazing, right? Place dome back on top of bread and wrap loosely in foil (poke the top of foil with your knife for steam to escape). Place loaf directly on oven rack and bake until cheese is melted, 25–30 minutes. Remove foil and let loaf stand uncovered for a few minutes to cool, then serve.

Do Ahead: Sandwiches can be assembled, placed in bread loaf, and wrapped in foil 1 hour ahead. Bake just before serving.