Honey-Vanilla Linzer Cookies

bon appétitcookiesbakechristmashoneyvanillajam or jelly

Claire Saffitz
Makes about 30



Press down on log with your palms to create a flat surface; roll log over and press down again. Repeat once more so you have a neat triangle. Freeze until very firm but not frozen solid, about 1 hour.

Place racks in upper and lower thirds of oven; preheat to 325°F. Unwrap dough and cut into very thin slices (1/8" or thinner if possible), rotating every few slices to keep triangular shape. Place on 2 parchment-lined baking sheets, spacing 2" apart. Use pastry tip or cookie cutter to punch out centers of half the cookies.

Bake cookies, rotating baking sheets halfway through, until evenly golden brown all over, 10–15 minutes. Let cool on baking sheets.

Spread about 3/4 tsp. jam across entire surface of each unpunched cookie. Dust tops of cutout cookies with powdered sugar; place on top of jam, sugar side up.

Cookies can be baked (but not assembled) 2 days ahead. Store airtight at room temperature.