Mango-Yogurt Pudding with Lucuma and Chia Seeds

healthyishmangoyogurtlime juiceagavechiapudding

Chris Morocco
Makes 2



Peel mangoes and remove flesh from pits. Cut mangoes into ½" pieces; set aside ½ cup. Purée remaining mango, yogurt, lucuma powder, 2 Tbsp. lime juice, and a pinch of salt in a food processor or blender, scraping down sides and adding a splash of water if needed to loosen, until mixture is smooth. Divide between 2 glasses. Chill pudding 1 hour to firm up, if needed.

Toss reserved ½ cup mango with agave syrup, chia seeds, nigella seeds, a tiny pinch of salt, and remaining 2 Tbsp. lime juice in a small bowl. Top pudding with mango mixture.

Do Ahead: Pudding can be made 3 days ahead; cover and chill.