Poached Eggs in Chicken Broth

healthyishpoached eggseggstockbrothasparaguscarrotmushroomrampbasilapple cider vinegar

Seamus Mullen
4 servings



Bring stock to a simmer in a small pot over medium-high heat. Crack an egg into a small bowl, then gently slide egg into stock. (If you want a crystal-clear broth, you can poach the eggs in water instead.) Repeat with remaining eggs, waiting until whites are opaque before adding the next one (about 30 seconds). Poach eggs until whites are set and yolks are still runny, about 3 minutes. Using a slotted spoon, transfer eggs to paper towels as they are done.

Reduce heat to medium and return stock to a gentle simmer. Add asparagus, carrots, mushrooms, and white parts of ramps. Cook, stirring occasionally, until asparagus and carrots are tender, 3–5 minutes. Remove from heat and stir in basil, vinegar, and ramp greens; season with salt.

Divide broth and vegetables among bowls. Gently slip an egg into each bowl; season with pepper and drizzle with oil.