Shaved Squash Salad

saladhealthyishgarliclemon zestlemon juicedijonsugarred peppercherry tomatoessquashsummer squashricotta salatabasilchive

Rick Martinez
4 servings



Whisk garlic, lemon zest, lemon juice, mustard, sugar, red pepper, ⅓ cup oil, and 1 tsp. salt in a small bowl until salt and sugar dissolve.

Toss tomatoes and remaining 2 Tbsp. oil in a medium bowl; season with salt.

Thinly shave squash on a mandoline or with a very sharp knife, some lengthwise, making long ribbons, and some crosswise, making thin rounds.

Arrange squash on plates so ribbons curl and twist. Spoon tomato mixture over. Drizzle with dressing, then top with ricotta salata, basil, and chives.