Turmeric Hot Toddy

cocktailwinterbourbonwhiskeysherrylemonrummezcalginscotchdrinkhot drinkcocktail partyfall

Claire Sprouse
Makes 1 cocktail



For the turmeric syrup, combine ½ cup hot water and ¼ cup sugar in a liquid measuring cup or mason jar. Add ¾ tsp. ground turmeric and stir—or seal and shake—until sugar is completely dissolved. (This makes enough syrup for 4 drinks. Syrup can be used immediately or refrigerated, covered, up to 10 days. Shake or stir before using to reincorporate turmeric.)

For the toddy, combine 1 ½ oz. Amontillado sherry, 1 oz. bourbon (or other spirit of choice), 1 oz. Turmeric Syrup, and ½ oz. fresh lemon juice in a sturdy pint glass or 16-ounce thermos. Top with 8 oz. hot water and stir gently. Garnish with dehydrated lemon wheel if desired.