Vitamin C Superfruit Salad

healthyishsaladgingercarrotlime juicecitrusorangeblood orangegrapefruitmangokiwired pepper

Andy Baraghani
4 servings



Mix ginger, carrot juice, lime juice, turmeric, and kosher salt in a small bowl.

Using a paring knife, remove peel and white pith from citrus, being careful not to remove too much of the flesh. Slice citrus however you want; you can slice into ¼"-thick rounds or cut into 1" pieces, and they don’t even need to be an exact shape or size.

Spoon half of carrot dressing in a shallow bowl. Arrange citrus, mango, and kiwis in bowl, then spoon remaining dressing over. Top with red pepper flakes and sea salt, then drizzle with oil.