Barley Porridge with Honeyed Plums

bon appétitbarleygrainsalmondhoneycardamomplumbreakfasthealthy

Carla Lalli Music
4 servings



Cook barley in a large saucepan of boiling lightly salted water until tender, 30–40 minutes. Drain and return to saucepan. Add almond milk, cardamom, 2 Tbsp. honey, and a pinch of salt and cook over low heat, stirring occasionally, until warm.

Meanwhile, cook plums, 3 Tbsp. honey, and 3 Tbsp. water in a small saucepan over medium-low heat, stirring occasionally, until plums are soft and liquid is syrupy, 8–12 minutes.

Divide porridge among bowls. Top with plum mixture and drizzle with honey.