Basic Chicken Larb (Larb Gai)

chickenfish saucesugarchile powderred onionshallotgreen onion scallionmintcilantrolime juicericecabbagecucumbergreen beangalangallemongrasschile

Kris Yenbamroong
4 servings



Roast chiles in a dry wok over medium-low heat, stirring occasionally, until they turn a deep, dark crimson (almost brown) and give off a sweet and earthy smell (not burnt). The process shouldn’t take more than 10 minutes, but it pays to be vigilant in making sure they toast evenly and slowly.

Remove from heat and let sit until cool enough to handle. Transfer to a food processor, blender, or spice grinder and grind until slightly finer than the crushed red pepper you’d find at a pizza shop. Be careful not to breathe in any chile dust when you remove the lid.

Do Ahead: Chile powder can be made 3 months ahead. Store in a sealed container in a cool, dry place.

Cook rice in a dry wok over medium heat, stirring occasionally at first, then more frequently as it browns. Once you smell the toasting rice, stir in galangal, lemongrass, and lime leaves. Continue to cook until rice develops a deep amber-golden hue, about the same color as brown rice, 15–20 minutes. Let cool.

Transfer rice mixture to a food processor or spice grinder and pulse until mixture is the consistency of granulated sugar.

Do Ahead: Rice powder can be made 1 month ahead. Store in an airtight container in a cool, dry place.

Place chicken in a small saucepan and cover with water. Cook over medium heat, stirring, until chicken is opaque but still soft. Using a spatula or spoon, break meat into small clumps. Drain off water, then stir in fish sauce and sugar until sugar is dissolved. Let cool.

Add seasonings, in this order, giving a quick toss after each addition: 1½ Tbsp. Roasted Chile Powder, red onion, green onions, mint, cilantro, and lime juice. Once you’re ready to serve, add 1 Tbsp. Toasted Rice Powder at the last moment. Serve with green cabbage, sliced cucumber, raw green beans, and sticky rice alongside.