Beetroot hummus

autumnbeetrootbeetroot recipeschickpeachickpeaseasyfreezable recipesgluthoumouslemonlemonssnacksummervegetarian

Serves 8-10



Cook the beetroot in a large pan of boiling water with the lid on for 30-40 mins until tender. When they’re done, a skewer or knife should go all the way in easily. Drain, then set aside to cool.

Pop on a pair of rubber gloves. Pull off and discard the roots, leaves/stalk and peel of the cooled beetroot. Roughly chop the flesh. Whizz the beetroot, chickpeas, lemon juice, cumin, 2 tsp salt and some pepper. Serve swirled with a little yogurt, some toasted cumin seeds, a little torn mint and some crusty bread.