Milk chocolate sorbet

10-30 minutes400 kcal or lessassietecaster sugarchocolatecoulisfor a crowdindulgentmainsquick

Makes about a 500 ml tub



Make a sugar syrup by dissolving the sugar in 700ml water over low heat. Once all the crystals have dissolved, turn up the heat and boil for 5 mins. Pour into a jug and cool. Melt the chocolate in a heatproof bowl over a pan of simmering water or in the microwave on High for 1-2 mins, then leave to cool.

To make coulis, heat the berries and sugar in a small pan. Once the fruit breaks down, take off the heat and rub through a sieve into a bowl. Add lemon juice to taste. Will keep in fridge for 1 week, or freezer for 1 month.

Mix the chocolate and sugar syrup together until Combined and churn in an ice-cream machine. Remove from freezer 10 mins before serving scoops in a puddle of coulis.