Smoked salmon with grapefruit salad

10-30 minutes30-60 minutes400 kcal or lesscitrusfreshgrapefruitmainsquicksalmonseafoodsmoked salmonstartersummery

Serves 4 as a starter



Cut away the pith from the grapefruit, then cut into segments over a bowl to catch any juice. Squeeze the membrane you are left with in with the rest of the juice, then discard the shells. Place all the juice in a saucepan and boil for about 10 mins until reduced to a few syrupy tablespoons, then mix with the olive oil and set aside.

Segment the lemon and mix with the grapefruit segments. Drape the smoked salmon over 4 plates and scatter with the segments. Spoon the dressing over and finally dress with the coriander sprigs. Delicious with brown bread and butter.