Warm salad of asparagus, bacon, duck egg & hazelnuts

asparagusaspargusduck eggshazelnuthazelnutshealthymustardoilstarterstreaky baconwarm




Heat grill to High and cook the bacon for 5 mins until crisp, then snip with scissors into pieces. Set aside. Cook the eggs in boiling water for 8 mins (5 mins for hen’s eggs), drain and plunge into ice water, to cool as quickly as possible.

Make the dressing: whisk all ingredients together with seasoning. Prepare the asparagus by snapping off the base of each spear – it’ll break at the tender point.

Just before serving, put the nuts and bacon into a warm oven. Halve the eggs and season. Bring a pan of salted water to the boil; cook the asparagus for about 5 mins, until just tender. Drain, then divide between plates. Add egg halves, sprinkle with nuts and bacon, then drizzle with dressing in a zigzag pattern.