Chunky cheddar & celeriac soup

30-60 minutes4 servings600 kcal or lessbutterceleriaccelerycheddarcheesechowderhot soupmainsoniononionssoupwinter lunches




In a large pan, melt the tbsp of butter. Add the onions and cook for 5 mins until softened, but not coloured. Add the potato, celeriac, the litre of stock, 4 sage leaves and 2 strips of lemon peel. Bring to the boil and simmer gently for about 30 mins, until the celeriac is tender and the potato is collapsing. Remove and discard the lemon zest and sage leaves. Stir so the potato thickens the soup a little. (At this point you can cool and keep covered in the fridge for up to two days or freeze for up to 3 months.)

When you’re ready to eat, reheat the soup to just simmering. Stir in the 200g of cheese. Serve with crisp sage leaves for a special touch.