Roasted Tomato–Cashew Salsa

cashewchilegarliclime juicesalsatomatovegetarian

Rick Martinez
8 Servings



Preheat oven to 350°. Arrange cashews on one side of a rimmed baking sheet and chiles on the other. Toast until chiles are fragrant, about 5 minutes. Remove chiles from baking sheet, then continue roasting nuts, tossing once, until golden brown, 8–10 minutes. Let cool. Remove and discard stems from chiles.

Increase oven temperature to 450°. Roast tomatoes on a clean rimmed baking sheet until skin is browned and beginning to separate from flesh, 30–35 minutes. Transfer to a blender and add garlic, lime juice, and salt; blend until smooth. Add chiles and blend until coarsely chopped. Add cashews and pulse until coarsely chopped, about 5 pulses.

Do Ahead: Salsa can be made 2 days ahead. Cover and chill. Bring to room temperature before serving.