Vegan Sour Cream and Onion Dip

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Ramin Ganeshram
Serves 4–6



Heat the plant-based butter in a medium sauté pan over medium-low heat until the butter melts, about 1 to 2 minutes.

Add the onion and mix well. Cook slowly, stirring occasionally, until the onions are deeply brown, about 15 minutes. Add the garlic, salt, black pepper, paprika and thyme and cook 1 to 2 minutes more or until the garlic is lightly browned.

Scrape onion mixture into a small food processor or blender and pulse 4 or 5 times or until the onions are puréed.

Add the plant-based cream cheese and lemon juice and pulse 4 or 5 times until the onions are well dispersed throughout and dip has the consistency of sour cream. Do not over-pulse, or the plant based cream cheese will begin to get loose and runny. Scrape the mixture into a bowl and stir in the dried, chopped onions if using. Garnish with crispy shallots and more thyme, if desired. Serve with chips or crudités.