Smashed Cucumber Salad with Lemon and Celery Salt

bon appétitsaladcucumbersidelemonquick & easyvegetarianveganlemon juicewheat/gluten-free

Chris Morocco
4 servings



Gently smash cucumbers with a rolling pin or the back of a heavy knife just to break open. Tear into irregular 2" pieces and place in a medium bowl; season lightly with salt. Let sit at least 5 minutes and up to 1 hour.

Meanwhile, whisk lemon zest, lemon juice, oil, and 1/4 tsp. celery salt in a medium bowl to combine; season dressing with salt.

Drain cucumbers, discarding any liquid they have released. Add to bowl with dressing and toss several times to coat. Sprinkle with more celery salt.