Use-It-Up Frittata

bon appétitdinnerfrittataeggvegetarianvegetablegrainscheeseherbleftovers

Meryl Rothstein
4 servings



Fold eggs, vegetables, grains, cheese, and herbs in a medium bowl with a rubber spatula; season with salt and pepper. Heat 1 Tbsp. oil in a medium nonstick skillet over medium. Cook egg mixture until edges are set, about 30 seconds. Use spatula to agitate eggs by scraping bottom of skillet in a small circular motion and bringing edges toward center of pan to form large curds, then let mixture sit undisturbed until edges are set again, about 1 minute. Reduce heat to low and continue cooking, tilting skillet and lifting edges up with spatula to allow uncooked egg to flow underneath and around sides, until surface is wet but center is mostly set when you shake the pan, about 5 minutes.

Place a large plate over skillet and invert frittata onto plate. Place skillet back over medium heat and add remaining 1 Tbsp. oil. Slide frittata back into skillet; reduce heat to low. Cook until set, about 3 minutes. Let frittata cool in skillet 5 minutes. Invert frittata onto a cutting board; season with salt and pepper. Cut into wedges.

Frittata can be made 1 day ahead. Cover and chill. Bring to room temperature before serving.