Pulled Mushroom Tacos With Salsa Guille

dinnermexicantacomushroomgarliclimepaprikatortillasonionavocadoradishcilantrovegetarianvegansoy freedairy freewheat/gluten-freetree nut freelunch

Andrea Aliseda
4 servings



Shred mushrooms by pinching edge of caps and pulling apart all the way to the stem, like pulling string cheese. (Shreds needn’t be uniform; the thinner strips will get crispier while the thicker ones will remain more meaty.)

Pour oil into a cold medium Dutch oven or other heavy pot; add garlic and bay leaves. Set over high heat and cook until garlic is golden, about 5 minutes. Remove garlic and bay leaves with a slotted spoon; discard. Reduce heat to medium-high.

Working in batches, fry mushrooms in garlic oil, tossing once or twice, until thinner pieces are browned and crisp but thicker pieces are still tender and meaty, 6–8 minutes. (Reduce heat if mushrooms are crisping too quickly.) Using a slotted spoon, transfer mushrooms to a wire rack or paper-towel-lined baking sheet and let drain.

Transfer mushrooms to a medium bowl, add lime zest and paprika, and season with salt. Toss to evenly coat. Taste and season with more salt if needed.

Heat a comal or large skillet over medium. Working in batches, toast tortillas until they begin to inflate, about 2 minutes then turn over and cook on other side until lightly charred in spots, about 2 minutes. Wrap tortillas in a kitchen towel to keep warm until ready to serve.

To assemble tacos, spoon mushroom filling down center of a tortilla. Top with a blanket of salsa, then scatter onion, avocado, radishes, and cilantro over. Finish with a generous squeeze of lime.